The Proud Family is an action game based on an animated TV series of the same title, aired by Disney Channel. We find a crazy family when Penny decides to buy a unique gift to his parents, Oscar and Trudy, on the occasion of the wedding anniversary.
The Proud Family Description
In this game based on Disney's popular TV series, adventure through town as Penny Proud and earn enough money to buy her parents the ultimate anniversary present.
Penny has a scant six days, but with street smarts, hard work and a little luck, she might just be able to get the cash she needs.
* Play as Penny Proud and interact with her friends and neighbors through six different environments in Penny’s neighborhood.
* Earn extra money and build up your points by unlocking minigames and completing side missions.
* Help Suga Mama practice her moves for the Seniors Wrestling Event and Tag-Team (SWEAT) Tournament, spin jammin’ jams as a DJ, boogie down at the Hip Hop Dance Contest and more.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
The Proud Family Summary
Game Boy Advance
Developer: Gorilla Systems
Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios
Age restrictions: none