The Lurking Horror is a text adventure game developed in 1987 by Infocom, a company specializing in this type of productions. The main protagonist of the program is a young student who comes to George Edwards University to prepare a commissioned project. As a result of bad weather, the building is cut off from the world.
The Lurking Horror Description
The Lurking Horror is a text adventure game developed in 1987 by Infocom, a company specializing in this type of productions. The main protagonist of the program is a young student who comes to George Edwards University to prepare a commissioned project. As a result of bad weather, the building is cut off from the world. There would be nothing worrying about it if it was not for the fact that the evil shrouded in mysterious legend reveals itself in the basement of the campus with a storm.
You don't have to be a genius to deduce what kind of entertainment we are dealing with here. The Lurking Horror is a perfectly realized (in terms of plot) fantastic story, which is associated with horrifying stories of H.P. Lovecraft or Stephen King. As in any text game, here too, all commands must be entered using the keyboard. The Lurking Horror supports a large set of commands, in addition you should pay attention to correct grammatical structures. There are no pictures in the game, not even symbolic ones. We are dealing here only with the text, which certainly narrows down the potential audience (a good command of English is required).
We must honestly admit that the story is masterfully prepared and should appeal to all fans of horror movies. No wonder, however, since behind the script stands Dave Libling, the same gentleman who dipped his fingers during the first installments of the cult Zork series. Enthusiasts of different textbooks will only need it for any recommendation.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
The Lurking Horror Summary
PC / Windows