The Longest Journey Video Game Series
A series of adventure games ranked among the top of the genre. The series was created by the Norwegian studio Funcom, which also owns the rights to the brand.
For the fathers of the series The Longest Journey are considered to be Ragnar Tornquist and Didrik Tollefsen from the development team of Funcom studio. The first game in the series saw the light of day in 1999. Commercial success in Scandinavia encouraged the company to release the title in other markets as well, which took place in 1999-2000. For the sequel - Dreamfall: The Longest Journey gamers had to wait until 2006. The sequel was equally well received and established the brand. Despite pressure from fans, work on the third part began only in 2012. The development was undertaken by Red Thread Games, a studio founded by Ragnar Tornquist. Production Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey was financially supported by users of the Kickstarter platform and the Norwegian Film Institute.
The plot of the games in the series The Longest Journey depicts an alternate reality in which thousands of years ago the Earth split into two separate worlds - the technological Stark and the magical Arcadia. The story is set in the 23rd century. The main character - April Ryan is haunted by nightmares, thanks to which, however, she learns about the existence of the twin Arcadia. The girl faces the chance to go on the longest journey and prevent a disaster that could destroy both worlds.
Following the pattern of classic adventure games, the gameplay focuses on exploring locations, talking to NPCs and solving puzzles. In addition, in Dreamfall: The Longest Journey elements related to fighting and sneaking appeared. The developers placed great emphasis on a mature storyline and memorable characters (April Ryan, Zoë Castillo, Kian Alvane, Brian Westhouse, Gordon Halloway and others).
On the technical side, the games in the series The Longest Journey are based on the original solutions of the Funcom studio, including, among others, the Shark 3D engine. Also noteworthy is the games' soundtrack with songs by Bjrn Arve Lagim, Tor Linlkken and Leon Willett.
The Longest Journey Series Evolution
Dreamfall Chapters
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
The Longest Journey

Dreamfall Chapters
October 21, 2014
The third installment in the series of adventure games started in 1999 with Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. Dreamfall: Chapters was developed by Red Thread Games led by Ragnar Tornquist. The story of the game presents further adventures of the young protagonist, Zoe Castillo, who thanks to her highly unusual powers is able to travel between three worlds: the magical Arcadia, the technologically advanced Stark and the mysterious Storytime. Since it is a traditional adventure game, the gameplay focuses on such features like item gathering, conversations with non-playable characters and riddle solving. Despite the rather small budget of the game, developers of Dreamfall: Chapters have created attractive visuals generated by using the popular Unity Engine.

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
April 17, 2006
The second part of a great adventure game, The Longest Journey, which was realized and released in 2000 by Funcom. Its action was set in the same realities as we had the opportunity to stay in the original The Longest Journey, i.e. compilation of fantasy and science fiction.

The Longest Journey
April 20, 2000
The Longest Journey is a classic adventure game produced by FunCom's development team. The main character, April Ryan, must save two twin worlds: Arcadia and Stark. The game uses a point & click interface. Players have the opportunity to talk to 50 NPCs and visit more than 100 locations.