The Ball is an unusual action game produced by Teotl studio, combining elements of arcade with logical riddles. Players take on the role of an archaeologist who, trapped in a tunnel, came across the ruins of an ancient civilization. A tool that can help him get outside is the title sphere, thanks to which the main character can manipulate the environment and deal with numerous monsters.
Videos and Screens
[1:45] The Ball trailer #1
Average score from 139 votes. 8 players anticipated the game.
The Ball Description
As an archaeologist working on the slopes of a dormant volcano
somewhere in Mexico, you get stuck in an underground cavern. It doesn’t take long before you realize this is more than just a cave. You reveal ancient ruins that have been hidden from outsiders for centuries and
discover a mysterious artifact, a gold and metal shelled Ball. As you venture deeper into the volcano, you reveal some of mankind’s greatest secrets…
Playing from a first person perspective, you solve puzzles and crush
monsters with a large physics driven ball, manipulated by the pushing and pulling forces of an ancient device.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
The Ball Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Teotl Studios
Publisher: Tripwire Interactive
The Ball System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Penium 4 3 GHz, 1 GB RAM, graphic card (GeForce 6800 or better), 1,5 GB HD, Windows XP/Vista/7, Internet connection