The Assembly & Perfect Double Pack

The Assembly & Perfect Double Pack


Release Date: December 1, 2017

Adventure, PlayStation VR, VR, PlayStation exclusive, singleplayer

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A set of two productions for the PlayStation VR headset. The bundle includes The Assembly, an action adventure game, and an interactive experience entitled Perfect.

The Assembly & Perfect Double Pack is a set of two games for PS4 and the PlayStation VR headset. The bundle includes The Assembly released in July (PC)/October (PS4), 2016, and Perfect, which came out at the end of the same year. Both productions were previously available only in digital distribution. Thanks to the said compilation, they started to be sold in retail. The games were developed by nDreams and published by Perp, a division of Perpetual Europe.

The Assembly

The Assembly is an action adventure game created from bottom up with VR headsets in mind. The title was developed by nDreams, a British studio founded by Patrick O’Luanaigh, a former Eidos employee. The story was written by Rob Morgan (Wonderbook: Book of Spells) and Tom Jubert (FTL: Faster than Light, Penumbra, and The Swapper).

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Last updated on December 20, 2017

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The Assembly & Perfect Double Pack Summary


PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4

Developer: nDreams

Publisher: Perp