The Adventures of Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun

The Adventures of Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun


Release Date: July 12, 1997

Arcade, platformers, comics, singleplayer

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The Adventures of Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun is an arcade game by Infogrames, created on the basis of a popular Belgian comic book series, which has been translated into more than 50 languages since its inception in 1929. Its main character is a young, resolute reporter, whose fate throws him into the whirl of various, often dangerous events.

Prisoners of the Sun to third (after Tintin on the Moon and Tintin in Tibet) plays an arcade game with Tintin in the lead role, prepared by Infogrames. As before, the creators of the game loosely referred to the source, in this case the fourteenth comic book about the adventures of the title journalist. The plot is similar - Professor Calculus is kidnapped by unknown perpetrators and our daredevil sets out to save him - but the story itself has been led in a completely different way. For example: in the pictorial prototype, the action takes place mainly in Peru, while the work of French programmers throws us to different corners of the world.

The game in The Adventures of Tintin was divided into small, closed stages. Usually we are dealing here with a typical side-scroller, that is, an arcade, where the screen moves left or right. From time to time, however, there are sequences in which the perspective changes and we observe the hero from behind his back - for example, when we get behind the wheel of a car or during a train ride in the Andes. The key role in the game is played by the passing time. To beat each level we have a few dozen seconds and if we can't fit within the deadline set by the creators, the fun must start from the beginning.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

The Adventures of Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Developer: Atari / Infogrames

Publisher: Atari / Infogrames

Age restrictions: none

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