The world of Gothos, attacked by monsters coming from the underground world, defends itself against extinction. As a child of parents of two different races, able to skillfully combine magic and technique, TechnoMag opposes evil.
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TechnoMage Description
TechnoMage is an action adventure game with elements of cRPG, combining several different game genres into an interesting whole. The plot takes place in the fantastic world of Gothos inhabited by a peaceful civilization. Unfortunately, her hunger for knowledge opened the way to the underground world, bringing hordes of monsters to the surface. After a long war it was possible to overcome the forces of darkness and peace reigned in Gothos. However, between the two races, the Dreamers and Streamers, there is still hostility caused by prejudice centuries ago.
The player plays the role of TechnoMag, whose father was Streamer, and his mother Dreamer, which complicates his life. These two opposing communities developed their skills in opposite aspects. Dreamers trained in magic, and the Steramers believed in the power of technology.
The game starts in Dreamtown, the hometown of TechnoMaga, when the monsters from the underworld found their way to the surface. TechnoMage is accused of bringing misfortune and has to deal with this mystery himself. The adventure leads him through the dilapidated city of Streamertown and the tunnels of the Hive labyrinth. On his way he will encounter many monsters such as goblins, druids, wizards and trolls. Our hero can use both weapons and magic in combat, and even diplomacy and intelligence needed to solve puzzles or pass tests.
- An action adventure game in the 3D world set in real time.
- High intelligence of enemies.
- Direct control over the main character.
- Character development modelled on the cRPG genre.
- Many complicated puzzles and side tasks related to the main story.
- Arcade elements when you need to bypass obstacles, use platforms or jump over a hole.
- An addictive plot with many surprising moments.
- Eight completely different worlds, each ruled by one boss.
- Twenty different graphics sets creating a fantastic game area.
- About 50 different NPCs belonging to different nationalities.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
TechnoMage Summary
PC / Windows
PlayStation 1
Developer: Sunflowers Interactive
Publisher: Sunflowers Interactive
Age restrictions: 12+
TechnoMage System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium II 300MHz, 32MB RAM