Tales of Vesperia is a fantasy jRPG game created by Namco Bandai. The story depicts the fate of a boy named Yuri and his friends living on the planet Terca Lumireis. The visual setting of the game was prepared with the use of target-shading technique, and the background music was taken care of by Motoi Sakuraba.
Videos and Screens
[2:22] Tales of Vesperia story
[5:54] Tales of Vesperia #1
Tales of Vesperia Description
A power struggle begins in a civilization dependant on an ancient technology, the blastia, and the Empire that controls it. The fates of two friends traveling separate paths intertwine in an epic adventure that threatens the existence of all. Tales of Vesperia marks the first Tales RPG release
in HD with detail and graphics never before seen in the series. Now, real-time battles are more exciting than ever with over limits, the ability to unleash fatal strikes, combinations and burst artes. The next evolution of the revered role-playing series comes to the Xbox 360®
A classic series returns – The newest installment of the Tales RPG series keeping the established gameplay formula that fans love
Next Gen sights and sounds – First Tales RPG game with high-definition graphics, broadcast quality animation, and Dolby surround sound
Evolved real-time battle system – New refinements and additions to the trademark Tales real-time battle engine making for the most action-packed, dynamic RPG fighting ever
Fan favorite character designs – Characters designed by famous manga artist, Kosuke Fujishima, responsible for popular series’ Ah! My Goddess, Sakura Taisen and You’re Under Arrest
Immersive look and feel – Detailed environments, animation and an artistic style so good, it’s like playing a cartoon
Dramatic story – Gripping tale of a young hero on a quest for justice, trust and friendship filled with unexpected twists and turns at every step
A decade of Tales – The first game celebrating the Tales 10 year anniversary
Last updated on August 14, 2015
in Tales of Game Series
Game Series
Tales of Series
The jRPG game series, considered the third most popular among fans of the genre (after Final Fantasy i Dragon Quest). The series was created by the Wolf Team development studio, and Namco Bandai corporation takes care of its development.
31 video games
Tales of Vesperia Summary
PlayStation 3 September 17, 2009
Xbox 360 August 26, 2008
Developer: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment