Spin-off of the popular jRPG series by Namco Bandai, designed for mobile devices. Like previous installments of the series, Tales of Luminaria takes us to a fantasy world, which we must save from the coming evil.
Videos and Screens
[10:00] Tales of Luminaria gameplay trailer #1
[0:56] Tales of Luminaria trailer #1
Tales of Luminaria Description
Tales of Luminaria is the next installment of the Tales jRPG series by Bandai Namco. The game is a spin-off of the mainstream series designed for mobile devices. The game was developed to be accessible to newcomers to the series.
Like every game in the cycle, Tales of Luminaria takes the player to a fantasy world where magic is used as part of technological progress. This land is threatened by danger and its only hope is a group of heroes, which the player controls. The story is not related to the previous parts of the series, and knowledge of them is not required.
Tales of Luminaria is an RPG in which we expand our team, increase stats, acquire better weapons and complete quests. Unlike the previous mobile part of the series, Tales of Crestoria, combat in Luminaria takes place in real time. Our heroes acquire different skills and can use attacks that deal elemental damage.
Technical aspects
The audiovisual setting of Tales of Luminaria makes a pleasant impression. Spectacular attack animations and anime-style cinematics are particularly pleasing. The game is fully voiced in English.
in Tales of Game Series
Game Series
Tales of Series
The jRPG game series, considered the third most popular among fans of the genre (after Final Fantasy i Dragon Quest). The series was created by the Wolf Team development studio, and Namco Bandai corporation takes care of its development.
31 video games
Tales of Luminaria Summary
Android OS November 4, 2021 July 19, 2022 (EOL)
Apple iOS November 4, 2021 July 19, 2022 (EOL)
Developer: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Age restrictions: 12+