Tales of Cosmos

Tales of Cosmos


Release Date: November 20, 2016

Adventure, science fiction, point-and-click, puzzle elements



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A point-n-click adventure game from Red Dwarf Games. The plot revolves around two astronauts – Professor Gagayev and Perseus, a talking dog. Their objective is to neutralize Shuttle’s Bane, a mysterious magnetic anomaly that sucks in any spaceship that comes too close. During the game, you visit a big, open world composed of several planets and moons.

Tales of Cosmos for PC is a science fiction adventure developed by Red Dwarf Games.


The production tells a story of two astronauts – Professor Gagayev and Perseus, a talking dog. The plot revolves around Shuttle’s Bane, a mysterious magnetic anomaly that draws each spaceship that comes too close to it. The main objective of the two is to find a way of neutralising this problem.

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Last updated on May 16, 2017

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Tales of Cosmos Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Developer: Red Dwarf Games

Publisher: Red Dwarf Games

Age restrictions: none