Table Top Tanks

Table Top Tanks


Release Date: May 22, 2012

Arcade, tanks, augmented reality, PlayStation exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer, LAN

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Table Top Tanks is an arcade game that uses the camera of the PS Vita console and the capabilities of augmented reality technology. Players control a small tank and try to destroy enemy vehicles in a separate arena. In addition to the standard weaponry, they can also summon bombers or use various weapon modifications.

Become supreme commander of the not-so-heavy artillery

Bring the battle to the breakfast table (or wherever you want) with the Vita's amazing Augmented Reality technology.

With its singleplayer challenges, ad hoc multiplayer for up to 4 players and simple to master arena editor, Table Top Tanks is one of the most feature-heavy AR titles for the Vita so far released.


Seize the advantage by snatching up pick-ups to gain 'Homing Missiles' and 'Bouncing' or 'Three Way' rockets, Invincibility Shield, Invisibility or a Reverse Controls scrambler to send your enemies into a spin.


Call in support from the air to take out your enemies with devastating Air Strikes or Supply Drop you vital weapons and shields.


Use the simple to master editor to place barriers, gun turrets and pick-up points and create your own arenas for battles against Ai tanks or up to three other Vita gamers.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Table Top Tanks Summary


PlayStation Vita

PlayStation Vita

Age restrictions: none

Table Top Tanks System Requirements

PlayStation Vita

PlayStation Vita

Supports: Karty AR