Story Hour Fairy Tales is a set of 4 interactive fairy tales, designed for the youngest recipients. During the course of the story we can also make certain choices or help their heroes.
Story Hour Fairy Tales Description
Story Hour Fairy Tales is a product designed for the youngest - the target range is for children aged 3 to 7 years. The game created by Other Ocean development company consists of 4 interactive fairy tales prepared especially for the needs of this project and enriched with fabulous graphics.
Traditional stories, among which we can find Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel and 12 dancing princesses, we can read to our children on our own or rely on the narrators included in the game. Of course, playing with the program is not only about listening to the story - we also have the ability to make various choices when interacting with fairy tales or helping characters to perform certain actions. Thanks to this fairy tales gain a completely new form.
The operation of the game is intuitive and the game itself provides both great fun for parents and their children, as well as playing an educational role.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
Story Hour Fairy Tales Summary
Nintendo Wii
Developer: Other Ocean Interactive
Publisher: Zoo Games Inc.