Start the Party!

Start the Party!


Release Date: September 19, 2010

Party, augmented reality, PlayStation Move, splitscreen, PlayStation exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer

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Start the Party! is a family-friendly social game that takes advantage of the technical capabilities of the PlayStation Move controller. Players have the opportunity to compete in a number of crazy competitions that require reflex, good movement coordination and a sense of humour.

Start the Party is a flagship, “magical” augmented reality party game for Playstation Move on the PS3 which received some great press following its announcement at GDC. Check out the latest videos and previews from this year’s E3 too. We think it’s a great showcase for the Move controller and a lots of fun as well!

Last updated on August 14, 2015

Start the Party! Summary


PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3

Start the Party! System Requirements

Sony PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3

Supports: PlayStation Move