Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Honor Guard
Release Date: February 9, 1998
Action, FPP, science fiction, FPS, Star Trek, TV series, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN
First person 3D shooting set in the universe of the popular Star Trek series: The Next Generation. In the game we play the aspiring to the circle of the Clingoon Honorary Guard of the Yellowtail, who, in order to prove his value, undertakes to solve the puzzle of the conspiracy, which the chairman of the Great Council, Gowron, fell victim to.
Klingon Honor Guard is a first person 3D shooter, set in the universe of the popular Star Trek series: The Next Generation. Unlike previous games based on the Star Trek license, this time we have the opportunity to stand on the side of the Empire, playing the role of a member of the elite Clingoon Honorary Guard. Behind the creation of the game is Microprose, responsible for several recent productions inspired by the cult series.
The protagonist of the game is Klingon-yellow man, who aspires to the legendary Guard of the Empire, which in the past cared for the safety of the Emperor himself, among other things. By chance, at the same time there is an attack on the President of the Great Council, Gowron, whose protection was one of the duties of an elite unit. Our protagonist decides to take advantage of the circumstances and at all costs detect the treason that led to the assassination. The success of this mission can provide him with deserved esteem and pave the way for the ranks of the Guard. It turns out that the conspiracy goes much deeper than it originally seemed, and among the suspects there are both members of the Great Council and the Guard itself.
The main campaign of the game consists of 19 missions set in 7 clingolan locations, such as the Bird of Prey ship, Rura Penthe prison and the city of Tong Vey. Our main task is to search for a hidden button or key, opening the way to the next locations and bringing us closer to solving the riddle. As befits a racial FPS shooting, 24 types of enemies will stand in our way, which we eliminate using a wide range of weapons. The creators took care of a large selection of long-range weapons working in two different fire modes. The short-circuit D'k Tahg knives and the legendary clinical blade Bat'leth have also not been forgotten.
Klingon Honor Guard was created on Unreal Engine, which guarantees high quality graphics, supported by 3D accelerators. The sound layer uses the voices of actors known from the film series, such as Tony Todd in the role of Caplain Kuma. For fans of multi-player gameplay there is a possibility of cooperation or competition in deathmatch mode for 8 players, via the Internet or local network.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
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Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Honor Guard Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: MicroProse
Publisher: MicroProse
Age restrictions: none
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Honor Guard System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium MMX 166 MHz, 32 MB RAM, Karta grafiki 2 MB, Windows 95/98