Star Trek: Away Team

Star Trek: Away Team


Release Date: March 15, 2001

Action, science fiction, isometric view, Star Trek, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN

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Star Trek: Away Team is a strategy/action game set in the Star Trek Next Generation world where we take control of a highly trained team of specialists.

Star Trek: Away Team is an action-packed strategic action game set in the world of Star Trek Next Generation, where we take control of a well-trained team of specialists. Our mission is to detect the source of biological pollution, threatening the existence not only of the Federation, but also of Klingons, Romulan and Borg. To this end, we need to set up a branch consisting of three to six specialists and carry out a number of dangerous tasks. We have a choice of people trained in five fields: medicine, energy, management, security and science; each of them has different skills and subjects necessary to complete the mission.

Our task will be to assign people to specific tasks and manage them in such a way that their skills and experience are used in the best possible way. There are 18 missions to complete, during which you can meet the characters known from the film, e.g: Ambassador Worfa or Commander Data. We have a wide range of weapons at our disposal, from the standard phase, starting from the technologically advanced weaponry to the advanced weaponry. The game also introduces many new, previously unknown elements, such as Infiltrator Ship - a ship, which thanks to holograph technology can imitate other flying objects. Multiplayer gameplay allows you to play in cooperative.


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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Videos and Screens

Star Trek: Away Team Summary

Star Trek: Away Team System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: Pentium II 300MHz, 64MB RAM