Spider-Man 2: The Game

Spider-Man 2: The Game


Release Date: June 28, 2004

Action, TPP, science fiction, comics, superheroes, Spider-Man, movies, 2D, Marvel Comics, singleplayer

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The second entry in the series of third-person perspective action games about Spider-Man. The plot of the game is based on the movie under the same title. The player assumes the role of Peter Parker, a boy who gained spider superpowers during an accident in a laboratory. His main antagonist is Otto Octavius (in the criminal underworld known as Doctor Octopus), a scientist equipped with mechanical arms controlled by his brainwaves.

Spider-Man 2: The Game for PC, PSP and etc. is the second entry in the series of games about the adventures of Spider-Man. Similarly to the first game, it is related to the story of the movie of the same title.


The main protagonist of the game is Peter Parker, who obtained super powers during an accident in a laboratory. He will face Otto Octavius, known in criminal the world as Doctor Octopus - the man uses mechanical, brainwave-controlled tentacles. Spider-Man must face other opponents as well, including: Rhino – a strong guy equipped with a very resistant armor; Mysterio – master of illusions and special effects; Puma – half-blood Indian that intends to become the shaman of New York.

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Last updated on November 7, 2018


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Spider-Man 2: The Game Summary

Game Series: Spider-Man


PC / Windows

PC / Windows June 28, 2004

PlayStation Portable

PlayStation Portable March 15, 2005

PlayStation 2

PlayStation 2 June 28, 2004


Xbox June 28, 2004


GameCube June 28, 2004

Game Boy Advance

Game Boy Advance June 28, 2004

Developer: The Fizz Factor

Publisher: Activision Blizzard

Spider-Man 2: The Game System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: Pentium III 600MHz, 256MB RAM, 16MB graphic card, 827 MB HDD

PlayStation Portable

PlayStation Portable

Supports: memory card