Space Hack is an action-RPG game created by Rebelmind studio. Set in the climate of science fiction, the story of the game depicts the fate of a former officer of the Space Marines unit, who is sent for insubordination with the transport of prisoners to colonize distant planets. However, the space shuttle ends up inside an anomaly, in which the aliens are swarming with hostile attitudes.
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Space Hack Description
Space Hack is a sci-fi RPG/action title with Diablo-inspired gameplay mechanics, presented in real-time 3D graphics. The story puts you on a quite peculiar space ship, full of convicted prisoners, that got trapped inside a cosmic anomaly known as Black Nebula. Playing role of a tough warrior you will be struggling to reach an emergency transporting module, hacking and slashing your way through hordes of alien creatures taking over your ship.
# 45 levels in 5 different sceneries - Earth-like environments, futuristic interiors, post-catastrophic locations, deserts and frozen lands
# 40 alien creatures from 3 different breeds
# few dozens of weapons and hi-tech items
# diverse paths of character development - smash your way through problems, become quick and elusive or gain advantage with sophisticated technology
# amazing real-time 3D graphics and spectacular special effects atmospheric industrial ambient music
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Space Hack Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Rebelmind
Publisher: Rebel Games
Space Hack System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium 4 1.4 GHz, 256 MB RAM, graphic card 32MB, 500 MB HDD