Soul Ride

Soul Ride


Release Date: December 15, 2000

Sports, snowboard, singleplayer

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Realistic snowboard simulator. The action of the game creeps around two famous mountains: Mamooth Mountain (California) and a place called Tuckerman Ravine (New Hampshire).

Realistic snowboard simulator. The action of the game revolves around two famous mountains: Mamooth Mountain (California) and a place called Tuckerman Ravine (New Hampshire). An important feature worth mentioning is the size of the boards. Measured from the top of the mountain it is about 20 miles in each direction. Lovers of realistic simulations will be pleased to receive information about the topography of the area of these two places. The data were taken from the US Geological Survey. The authors of the game have prepared several different routes. They differ in the degree of difficulty (different slope of the mountain slope, presence of larger or smaller hills), but it is worth noting that the player can descend from the beaten track at any time and explore the area. There were many ramps and other elements of the environment, which are useful when performing tricks. In addition, the Heli-Drop function is available. According to the name, the player jumps out of the helicopter suspended in the air and in a place of his choice. This is the only way to reach hidden locations. After completing the descent, you can use the replay option - watch the ride from various cameras, and save the whole thing on your hard disk.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Soul Ride Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Age restrictions: none

Soul Ride System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: Pentium II 350MHz, 64MB RAM, graphic card (z obslugą OpenGL 1.1), 60MB HDD, Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000