Somalian Syndrome is an action game created by Akella Studio 4, which presents the struggle against Somali pirates. The task of the players is to protect various vessels from the attacks of robber groups operating in the Horn of Africa. The title combines elements of shooting and simulator.
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Somalian Syndrome Description
Everybody knows about Somalian pirates. Everybody fears. Incredibly fast on their small motor-boats, they have a devastating gun-power - especially when attacking tankers and other civil vessels, that are not adjusted for war, and have nothing to oppose the heavy machine-guns, and RPG's.
It is too expensive to keep a regular military force, providing constant defense from these cruel thugs. But when the federals are impotent - you can hire mercenaries! Those professionals, real dogs-of-war, cost every coin you pay them. As fast as the enemies, but much more dangerous and lethal - even when outnumbered by them.
Experience a role of a commander of a light patrol gunboat, whose task is to guard and escort the civil ships, passing the bay of Aden.
Fight the pirates every possible way - as a helicopter and a motor-boat gunner, and also as a patrol boat commander.
Your main war-machine is a 32-feet light motor-boat, that was successfully used by US troops in Iraq and Somali. It carries a huge firepower: 50. cal Browning M2HB machine-guns, automatic grenade launchers Mk. 19, and Russian heavy KPVT MG.
Lots kinds of enemies, that use small civil boats of different types, and even light aircraft. They are equipped with different types of weapons - DShKM machine-guns, US Browning MGs, recoilless AT-guns, and volley missile systems.
Face the pirate aircraft that includes Cessna-182 and Catalina flying boats.
Feel and see the power of an ultimate rapid-firing weapon: pirate navy will not resist the deadly lead downpour of the heavy Gatling GAU-17, mounted on board of the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter.
Somalian pirates are not a fiction, neither are the objects of their aggression. The whole world shuddered with horror watching news about daring assaults on dry cargo ship Faina, tanker Sirius Star, cruise yacht Leponant. You'll be greatly surprised to meet the ships, that look like twins to these poor victims!
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Somalian Syndrome Summary
PC / Windows
Somalian Syndrome System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium 4 2.5 GHz, 1.5 GB RAM (2 GB RAM - Vista/7), graphic card 256 MB (GeForce 6600 or better), 2 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista