Created by Crystal Dynamics Space Shooting TPP with arcade character. The title is based on the assumptions known from the famous Star Fox series and is a continuation of the game released on 3DO in 1993 titled Total Eclipse.
Solar Eclipse Description
Developed by Crystal Dynamics, the game is an arcade TPP space shooter based on the formula known from the famous Star Fox series and is a continuation of a game released by 3DO in 1993, titled Total Eclipse.
Colonel Jake Cross is transferred to a unit stationed near Saturn. He is supposed to help a group of pilots there and prove that he still deserves his place in the army. Soon, he will get be the opportunity to do so. An unknown force begins to destroy subsequent human mines and colonies on the planet's moons. After another alarm signal, the unit is sent to a reconnaissance mission, where it makes a shocking discovery.
Solar Eclipse is an arcade shooter in which the action is presented from behind the combat ship flying through a tunnel away from the viewer. The task of the players is to eliminate all obstacles and enemies, such as sentry towers and various flying vehicles. At the same time, they must avoid projectiles being fired at them, e.g. by using the spin dodges assigned to both triggers. Some levels have several branches, where it is possible to choose the route. Traditionally, at the end of each map, there is a dangerous boss awaiting us, usually much bigger than ordinary opponents.
Technical aspects
Solar Eclipse is a three-dimensional game, which is distinguished by FMV inserts with the participation of live actors. They appear not only during story cut-scenes but also during missions, sharing comments, informing about dangers, and engaging in background dialogues. Outside Europe the game was released under the title Titan Wars.
Last updated on April 23, 2020
Solar Eclipse Summary
PlayStation 1
Developer: Crystal Dynamics
Publisher: Crystal Dynamics
Age restrictions: 12+