Created by the Spanish Digital Leisure Entertainment studio, Soccer Fury tries to combine street football with a brutal action game in which, just as important as scoring goals, it is to pack enemies with numerous strokes and kicks.
Soccer Fury Description
Created by Spanish studio Digital Legends Entertainment program called Soccer Fury, it tries to combine street football with a brutal action game, in which as important as scoring goals, is to pack opponents with numerous strokes and kicks.
The game is designed exclusively for online skirmishes, allowing you to play the role of manager and coach of a football team, playing matches not in the stadium, but on the streets of big cities. In addition to managing the team, the player gets the chance to have full control over their players during the game. Matches in which one team can put up to three players on the pitch are full of action from the eastern action films. Each athlete has the possibility of direct attack on the opponent with his or her fists and legs. Playing in Soccer Fury only seemingly resembles traditional football matches. In fact, there are no rules or barriers here. There is also no mercy on the ground for opponents who fall on the ground.
Each player in the team is characterized by several coefficients, which are developed in the course of the game. The more advanced the player, the greater his skills, and thus the better results on the football battlefield. Users have the possibility of configuring the appearance of their wards. It is not only about changing your hairstyle, but also about covering your entire body with eye-catching tattoos.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
Soccer Fury Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Digital Legends Entertainment
Publisher: NCsoft
Age restrictions: none