Shadow of the Colossus
Release Date: February 6, 2018
Action, TPP, fantasy, sandbox, remaster/remake, action adventure, PlayStation exclusive, PS Plus Premium, PS Plus Extra, singleplayer
A remake of one of the greatest iconic PlayStation 2 titles. The original game debuted in 2005 and six years later it was released on PlayStation 3 in HD version. In Shadow of the Colossus the player assumes the role of a young man named Wander who places the body of his beloved on a mysterious altar hidden in the wild. He learns that he will be able to restore her life if he manages to defeat sixteen giant creatures known as the Colossi.
A remake of the cult action game from 2005. The production was released on PS4, and developed by Bluepoint Games. It is worth noting that this isn't the first time this developer has worked on this title - the team has created a remastered version of the original which was released on PlayStation 3 in 2011.
The main character of Shadow of the Colossus is Wander, a young man trying to bring back to life a girl named Mono, who was sacrificed during a mysterious ritual. To fulfill his goal, the hero crosses the borders of the Forbidden Lands separated from the rest of the world and enters into a pact with a dark force known as Dormin. It turns out that his beloved can be resurrected - the protagonist must eliminate the sixteen titular Colossuses, creatures resembling gigantic, animated statues. Equipped only with a sword and a bow, the hero and his horse Argo set off on a dangerous journey.
The action in Shadow of the Colossus HD, released on PS3, is observed from the third-person perspective (TPP). The game focuses on an exploration of a vast open world consisting of a desert, the ruins of ancient buildings, or even a forest and picturesque valley. Another important element is the fights against the sixteen Colossuses. We track down our targets using the light emitted from our sword (a narrow beam means that we are moving in the right direction). After winning, Wander wakes up in the temple, where he accepts the next task of annihilating another opponent.
The fights take place in real time and different sceneries (on land, in water, in the skies). Individual enemies differ not only in appearance and size but also in their characteristics and weaknesses. While some Colossuses walk majestically on the surface or fly calmly in the air and don't attack unprovoked, others behave more chaotic and aggressive. The latter happens especially when Wander climbs over their furry parts of the body (to avoid a painful fall, pay attention to the endurance indicator), trying to reach one of the weak points - we need to stab it with the sword several times to weaken the enemies. Some fights also require us to use Agro's help - the mount is a real support on the battlefield, because it can distract the opponent's attention (we can also use a bow) and allows him to get to hard to reach places. The developers tried to make the horse behave like a real animal - our companion sometimes refuses to obey, and in a situation of direct danger, he is forced to flee.
It should be noted that the creators were tempted to adjust the controls to the modern standards. This means that the game can be played by both veterans of the genre and people familiar with the works of Team Ico and new players.
Technical aspects
The three-dimensional graphic design in the Shadow of the Colossus PS4 remake looks very good. Just like the original at the time, the production is characterized by momentum and memorable style. The new high quality textures and advanced visual effects are also striking, especially the realistic lighting system.
Last updated on January 18, 2018

Last Update: January 31, 2018
Shadow of the Colossus Guide
The Shadow of the Colossus guide contains a full walkthrough of the game, including descriptions of the Colossi and combat tactics for each boss. We didn't forget about end game content like time attacks. Additionally, we've prepared a full analysis of in-game trophies.
Videos and Screens
[1:38] Shadow of the Colossus launch trailer
[2:07] Shadow of the Colossus story trailer
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Shadow of the Colossus Summary
Game Series: Shadow of the Colossus
PlayStation 4
Developer: Bluepoint Games
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment