Set in a science fiction setting, a dynamic action game developed by the independent studio Dreadbit. In Seraph the player takes control of the titular heroine – an angel kept in a high-security, futuristic prison owned by demons. While trying to escape, the protagonist with supernatural skills faces a variety of dangers and devilish creatures. The action is seen from a side-view and consists of fighting hordes of enemies.
Videos and Screens
[1:14] Seraph trailer #1
Digitally Downloaded: 3.5 / 5 by Pierre-Yves Lanthier
Seraph on a whole is brilliant and refreshing in its design. Having the player be able to concentrate on movement while the AI handles the aiming is an inspired idea and I honestly hope to see more of in the future, while the organic approach to difficulty and movement makes for a game that is mesmerising and deeply engaging from start to finish.
DualShockers: 6.5 / 10 by Steven Santana
Despite some great options and customization available, Seraph’s narrative doesn’t go anywhere with what is presented or hinted at and the gameplay has many elements that don’t feel significant enough to be worth investing into. There is a lot to dig into both in mechanics, systems, and game modes, but the foundation of what is there doesn’t compel me to make multiple returns. Including Twitch integration and inclusive options for all opens up the audience, although I don’t think they’ll stick around after the first playthrough and toying with the additional options.
Hardcore Gamer: 4.5 / 5 by Jordan Helm
Seraph is not just a great game, but a triumphant one built on fusing engaging gameplay with an elegantly-arranged world environment as well as an upgrade system that rewards both statistical investment and personal experimentation. A testament to the design philosophy that if an idea is good, it's usually very good.
Seraph Description
Seraph published on PC and PS4 is a dynamic action game developed by the independent studio Dreadbit – the creators responsible for e.g. Ironcast.
In Seraph you assume the role of the eponymous heroine – an angel held in a top security, futuristic prison from which one cannot escape just like that. To fight her way out, Seraph needs to defeat hordes of devilish creatures.
Seraph put out on PC and PS4 presents the action from a side-view. Exploration and combat are the essential element of the game. The heroine faces beasts that are simple cannon fodder, and more powerful opponents – these are bigger, stronger, and more resistant. What makes the title different are the dynamics and the combat system. For example, aiming is automatic, so all you need to do is pull the trigger and control the heroine who can jump over enemies, run on walls, and bounce off them, which enables her to avoids attacks. During gameplay, you can make use of a wide arsenal of weapons such as pistols, machine guns, and shotguns – the further you progress, the more kinds of deadly firearms you get. While in most cases killing enemies only requires enough firepower, to kill a boss, you need to approach it and finish the job yourself – usually, you are given a period of time to do that – if you don’t manage, the boss is ready to fight again. Moreover, during gameplay you unlock useful special offensive abilities which, if mastered, help you survive the most difficult fights.
Particular levels are generated procedurally – with each time you start playing, the arrangement of levels, enemies, bosses, and power ups, which give Seraph a temporary advantage over enemies, is different. The title also introduces roguelike aspects – each time you die, the heroine is reborn with a smaller HP limit, and eventually she can die permanently. In such case, you are not forced to start everything all over again, as Seraph can be reborn in checkpoints. Interestingly, as you become better, the difficulty level rises in real-time. However, the more demanding are clashes, the better rewards you are given. Apart from that, the title features a special mode integrated with Twitch – the viewers can choose special modifiers so as to make things a bit easier for you or, on the contrary, to make gameplay more difficult.
Technical aspects
The 2D visuals in Seraph are decent. Different light effects that accompany powerful attacks deserve special recognition. Gameplay is complemented with dynamic, electronic music, purchasable separately as OST.
Last updated on December 20, 2016
Seraph Summary
PC / Windows September 20, 2016
PlayStation 4 November 1, 2016