Tactical action game, which is a kind of a protagonist of the popular series "Conflict: Desert Storm. The main role here is played by a four-man unit from the Navy Seals military unit, a special group of the US Navy, commanded by the user.
Seal Team is a tactical action game, which is a kind of a protagonist of the popular series "Conflict: Desert Storm. The main role is played here by a four-person unit from the Navy Seals military unit (a cinema movie called Komando: Seals), a special group of the US Navy. The plot, on the other hand, refers to the most intensive phase (1966-1969) of the American military intervention in Vietnam.
Among the implemented campaigns there were four collections of several missions with different assumptions (patrol, ambush, sabotage, etc.). Each departure for the battle is preceded by a detailed briefing and situational commentary of the subordinates. Direct confrontation with the enemy (mainly communist partisans from Vietcong) requires the use of one of the many available offensive means (e.g. AK-47 and M16A2 rifles and M79 grenade launcher), and in case of larger caliber problems there is an option of using aerial or surface support. "Unleashed" virtual soldiers should first get acquainted with the accessible training mode.
The visual setting consists of a spatial environment (so-called vector graphics) and two-dimensional characters. The course of events may be shown from the perspective of both the first and the third person. The sound effects also represent a high level and, together with a well-designed interface, perfectly complement the overall picture.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Seal Team Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Electronic Arts Inc.
Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc.
Age restrictions: 16+
Seal Team System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: PC 386 25MHz, 2MB RAM, VGA