Robot Rescue is a puzzle game created and published by Teyon Games, a Krakow-based company, whose heroes are funny looking robots. Players are supposed to help them get out of a maze full of pitfalls and puzzles. The whole is kept in a humorous style, which is emphasized by colorful graphics and cheerful sound setting.
Videos and Screens
Robot Rescue Description
Robot Rescue is a fun logic game based on a simple but entertaining concept. Your mission is to free robots trapped in an evil computer labyrinth while avoiding deadly traps. Sound easy? Not so fast! Each robot shares linked controls... so when you move one, you move them all! It'll take clever planning and nerves of steel to pull off this electronic escape. You will need to avoid many traps and use special elements.
- 45 unique stages from 3 levels of difficulty
- Absorbing and challenging game-play, a cerebral fitness
- Many traps (mines, electrical circuits, glue stains, teleports, clone machines and more)
- Simple rules of the puzzle leading to difficult solutions
- A tutorial explaining all elements of the puzzle
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Robot Rescue Summary
PC / Windows February 15, 2005
Nintendo DS November 16, 2009
Robot Rescue System Requirements
Nintendo DS
Uses: DSiWare