Reunion is a strategy game developed by the Hungarian studio Amnesty Design, which will allow you to play the role of the leader of the first extraterrestrial colony. The task ahead of you is not easy: you need to build a self-sufficient base, extract resources to develop new technologies and create a solid army.
The earth of the future is an oasis of peace. The United Nations, whose importance has grown in the 21st century, has with a hard hand rid itself of all the threats that could cause chaos in the world and environmental degradation. All stockpiles of dangerous weapons have been dismantled - the only significant military force has become UN troops that intervene in every case of aggression by rebellious nations. At the same time, work on new technologies was started in huge laboratories, which would allow people to explore distant corners of space, as well as the possible colonization of planets similar to Earth.
However, nothing good lasts forever. In 2575, people sent two research ships into space, of which only one succeeded in the mission to explore planets far from the Solar System. As Explorer 2 prepares to return home after thirty years in space, a bloody and well-organized rebellion erupts on Earth, bored with the peace that has prevailed for hundreds of years. The current UN authority is being overthrown, which soon leads to chaos. Researchers on a spacecraft follow the last order of their superiors and land on the nearest planet in a distant system, which after colonization is called New Earth....
Reunion is a strategy game developed by the Hungarian studio Amnesty Design, which will allow you to play the role of the leader of the first extraterrestrial colony. The task is not easy: you have to build a self-sufficient base, extract resources to develop new technologies and create a solid army that will not only be able to defend your domain in case of an invasion, but also to attack alien races appearing in space.
The Hungarian product successfully combines elements known from several other titles such as Master of Orion, Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty, and even Elite II: Frontier. The player must equally ensure the selection of appropriate staff (consisting of several specialists with different skills and monthly salaries), the development of infrastructure on the colonized planets, sending satellites to discover new worlds, research, army control as well as contacts with strangers, who in several variations will always - sooner or later - establish contact with the New Earth. In the latter case, successful diplomacy is very important. You can fight almost immediately with other galaxies, but sometimes it will be better to help each other and exchange technology. The aliens can also annihilate each other, making it possible for the player to feel that the world offered by Réunion is really alive and full of events that will not always depend on his actions.
In Réunion, the Hungarians placed great emphasis on audiovisual setting. Before you start the colonization of the New Earth for good, you will first see a long, climatic introduction, which in the smallest details will reveal to you the fate of mankind from our times on the rise of rebels in the XXVII century. Graphic design of the right part of the game is also flawless, starting from a clear menu on nice images of objects in the database. The only drawback of the program is the soundtrack, or rather the voice of the actors - you can hear immediately that these are foreigners, and in addition, the authors did not avoid a dozen or so mistakes related to incorrect grammar in English.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
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Reunion Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Digital Reality
Publisher: Grandslam
Age restrictions: 12+
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