Return to Zork

Return to Zork


Release Date: April 11, 1993

Adventure, singleplayer



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700 years ago, the Great Underground Kingdom of Zorrah was destroyed and with it all the forces of evil were buried. But is it for sure? The recent discovery by archaeologists of the entrance to a forgotten land has led to inexplicable phenomena. People started to disappear without any news in mysterious circumstances, their homes disappeared from the surface of the earth.

700 years ago, the Great Underground Kingdom of Zorrah was destroyed and with it all the forces of evil were buried. But is it for sure? The recent discovery by archaeologists of the entrance to a forgotten land has led to inexplicable phenomena. People started to disappear without any news in mysterious circumstances, their homes disappeared from the surface of the earth. A stray wanderer, who hits the surrounding area, faces a unique chance to turn the curse that plagues the residents. Whether or not he will succeed is up to you....

Return to Zork is Infocom's eighth adventure game, referring to the fantastic, title world. Compared to previous editions of the series, the audio-visual setting has undergone a real revolution. The graphics were based on a large number of digitalized photos and enriched with FMV interludes. Another breakthrough is the full sound of the game. All the characters you meet express their issues in spoken form - at the beginning of the nineties this was not yet a standard. There have also been major changes in the interface, which is entirely supported by the mouse. Depending on the subject indicated by the cursor, the program automatically selects the appropriate icons to carry out one of several actions.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

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PC / Windows

PC / Windows

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