An unusual arcade game from the South Korean studio Bulosodeuk. The story focuses on items that have spent too much time on the shelves of One Hundred Denarii shop. They come to life after the owner leaves and share with each other the stories about their previous incarnations. This lets us follow a pot which used to be a shuriken or a cleaver that was made out of a ball’s remains.
Videos and Screens
[2:00] Redden trailer
Redden Description
Redden is an unusual arcade game. It was developed by Bulosodeuk studio and is a premium production without microtransactions.
Redden offers an unusual plot. The story begins in a thrift shop known as One Hundred Denarii. In the evening, the tired owner closes his business and goes home. In his absence, objects on the shelves come to life and begin to share stories about their previous incarnations. Among these "heroes" we will find a chopper named Cal, created from a bullet and a pitcher known as Bi, which used to be a deadly shuriken. All these objects tell the story of their past successes, which we get to know in the form of playable missions.
During the campaign, we can play in 33 locations set in different historical periods, from ancient to contemporary times. Each mission begins in the same way - with setting a deadly projectile in motion, e.g. an archer fires an arrow, a 20th-century killer pulls a trigger and a ninja throws a shuriken. A moment later, we take control and, by drawing lines on the screen or tilting the device, we change the projectile's trajectory. We must do this in such a way that, by using the power of the wind, we can gain more speed and, at the same time, avoid collision with the obstacles. The maps are also full of optional targets, destruction or killing of which provides useful bonuses. However, our primary task is always to reach the end of the level and kill a specific target. This is facilitated by the special powers of our projectiles.
Technical aspects
Redden uses attractive 2D graphics where backgrounds are colorful while the objects and characters in the foreground are completely black. This artistic choice gives the game an attractive result.
Last updated on November 22, 2019
Redden Summary
Switch February 17, 2022
Android OS July 9, 2015
Apple iOS July 9, 2015
Developer: Bulosodeuk
Publisher: Bulosodeuk
Age restrictions: 12+