Red Stone 2: Adventurers of Prominance

Red Stone 2: Adventurers of Prominance


Release Date: cancelled

RPG, fantasy, MMORPG, manga and anime, MMO, internet

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Red Stone 2: Adventurers of Prominance is an MMORPG developed by L&K Logic studio, set in a magical fantasy world. The production offers, among others, cartoon graphics, a combat system focused on cooperation between team members and an extensive aspect of PvP.

Red Stone 2: Adventurers of Prominance is a continuation of a successful Asian MMORPG from 2004. The game was developed by L&K Logic studio, the same team that was responsible for creating the original.

The game is a classic MMORPG in an old good stall. The authors did not go down the popular path of dexterity modeled combat systems and instead opted for a battle system reminiscent of a typical Diablo style hack-n-slash. Six character classes are available - Soldier, Magic Soldier, Warrior, Berserker, Sorcerer and Wolfdog. Each of them has its own fighting style and a set of special skills. The game allows you to fight against both artificial intelligence (PvE) and battles with other players (PvP). The latter aspect is much more extensive than in the first part and apart from small battles it also enables real wars for territorial control within Realm vs Realm.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Red Stone 2: Adventurers of Prominance Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Developer: L&K Logic Korea

Age restrictions: 12+