Real World Golf 2007

Real World Golf 2007


Release Date: August 25, 2006

Sports, golf, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN

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Real World Golf 2007 is the next installment of Real Word Golf, a golf simulator using a special Gametrak controller. It is a floor-laying device, connected to special gloves by means of cables. Thanks to this, the player's hand movements are transferred directly to the game world.

Real World Golf 2007 builds upon the huge success of the first title..still using the revolutionary Gametrak system to track your swing in real-time – no joysticks, just swing the club to play!

Key new features of the game provide detailed training and analysis to improve your game for real – like having a golf pro in your living room:

· Swing Trainer System –analyses and displays your swing plane, giving expert advice o­n how you can improve your swing. Fine tune your game to develop the perfect swing!

· Impact Analyser - shows exactly how you hit the ball. In-depth analysis of your club head as it comes through the ball showing the horizontal and vertical impact planes – see why the ball does what it does when you hit it!

Other new features include:

· 15 exciting courses including the world famous Ryder Cup course, the Belfry.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Real World Golf 2007 Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

PlayStation 2

PlayStation 2

Developer: Aqua Pacific

Publisher: In2Games