Produced by the American studio Ghostfire Games, this is the first-person brawl whose action is set in the realities of the fantasy world. The player takes on the role of an intrepid gladiator who fights with various fantastic beasts. The experience gained in the arena allows you to develop your hero's skills and stand up to fight more and more powerful opponents.
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[1:17] Rage of the Gladiator #1
Rage of the Gladiator Description
Rage of the Gladiator is a fantasy fighting game. You control a gladiator, fighting for your life in an arena. Armed with your magical warhammer and a trusty shield, you must defeat fantastic bosses including a Chimera, Beholder, and a Dragon. The game is set in first-person perspective.
Features of the game include:
* Insane finishing moves. You have 14 finishing moves that destroy your opponent in over-the-top cutscenes:
o Leap to the skies, then plunge your warhammer into the ground, creating a pillar of fire that burns your enemy to a crisp.
o Transform into a hulking colossus 10 times the size of your opponent, pounding him into the ground.
o Darken the skies with a solar eclipse, sending a beam of light to fry your enemy.
* Customize your character. As you defeat bosses, you earn skill points. You can apply those skill points to one of three skill trees: Offense, Defense, and Magic. This gives you new powers. It also provides great replay value since you can replay through the game with different skill tree decisions.
* Fantastic 3D-graphics. Fully rendered and realistic, you do combat in a fully lit 3D arena. This polish level is rare for a downloadable title.
* Extremely realistic animations. When you attack bosses, the impacts and hits feel real.Each boss has been painstakingly animated to react properly to each of your attacks.
* Outstanding replay value. Once you�ve beaten the first 10 bosses, you must face them again in Challenge Mode, which is a completely new experience the bosses are more difficult with new powers. There are 21 total battles.
* Epic soundtrack. The music has been designed to be exciting and memorable, and really gets your blood pumping.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Rage of the Gladiator Summary
Android OS June 14, 2013
Apple iOS November 20, 2012
Nintendo 3DS September 19, 2013
Nintendo Wii March 15, 2010
Developer: Gamelion Studios
Publisher: Gamelion Studios
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Rage of the Gladiator System Requirements
Nintendo Wii
Uses: WiiWare
Nintendo 3DS
Uses: eShop