The third installment of the popular logical series, launched by Pullblox and Fallblox. In the game we play the role of a friendly cat cat sumo wrestler named Mello, and our task is to free the kids, trapped by a mysterious swindler. In order to do this we have to climb to the top of special block structures.
Gaming Nexus: 8.5 / 10 by Matt Mirkovich
Pushmo Worlds makes a solid if subtle landing on the WiiU platform, and offers a ton of fun in a small little package.
Post Arcade (National Post): 8 / 10 by Chad Sapieha
Little has changed from the series' winning 3DS entries, but that ought to suit franchise fans just fine.
TechnoBuffalo: 8 / 10 by Joey Davidson
The whole package, at $9.99, is a good deal for Wii U owners looking to dive into a puzzle game. ?Pushmo World? works on that level.
Pushmo World Description
TAKE A TRIP AROUND THE BLOCKS ON Wii U. There's trouble in Pushmo Park! A mischevious trickster is trapping children inside Papa Blox's puzzling playgrounds, and it's up to Mallo to save the day. Explore the multi-layered world of Pushmo and share your own creations as the innovative 3D puzzle series expands to the Wii U.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Pushmo World Summary
Nintendo Wii U
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
Age restrictions: none
Pushmo World System Requirements
Nintendo Wii U
Uses: Nintendo eShop