The third installment of the racing series created by the Codemasters company, dedicated to the racing struggles of Touring Cars class vehicles. TOCA Race Driver, otherwise known as Pro Race Driver, V8 Race Driver or DTM Race Driver, makes up the next generation of rally games, which combine a highly realistic driving experience with the cinematic momentum of scenes straight from the racing track.
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Pro Race Driver Description
TOCA Race Driver is the next installment of one of the most famous racers. Previous titles in this series focused the player's attention on touring car racing in the title TOCA series. Race Driver offers a slightly different approach to fun. The game gives you the opportunity to enter many different types of competitions, both less known and valued by motoring fans (e.g. DTM races). At the same time, it is worth mentioning that the described racer has been continued several times. They have a similar gameplay scheme to offer, based on entering many different races. TOCA Race Driver appeared on personal computers, PS2 and Xbox. All three versions present a very similar level of workmanship. For obvious reasons, the PS2 console edition looks a bit worse. This can be seen, among others, on the example of less detailed environmental textures.
The discussed production stands out in many respects on the racing market. This game has to offer, among other things, a fully fictional theme. We play the role of a professional driver, whose dream is to perform in the most prestigious sports competitions. The player's next progress is shown through interesting intermittent films. The key point of the program is the extended career mode. Interestingly, before the start of each season we have to choose the team in which we will perform. It often happens that a given team requires the player to achieve certain results (e.g. to be in the lead), and the very admission to the team is preceded by a rather difficult fitness test. It is also possible to start single races, for example, to unlock hidden cars. The game has more than 40 licensed machines from manufacturers such as Subaru, Alfa Romeo, Mercedes, Dodge, Opel and Rover. The vast majority of them are of course racing machines, although there were also a few civil vehicles, or even famous muscle cars. The competition takes place on more than 30 different tracks. Interestingly, many of them exist in reality. The authors, of course, made sure that they were accurately reproduced. The driving model is a clear bow to realism. The possibility of making changes to the vehicle settings is worth noting. Many times it is even required if one thinks about achieving good results. The player must also take into account the fact that subsequent breakdowns have a significant impact on the appearance and performance of the machine. It may happen that a more serious accident will destroy the chances of winning or even taking a scoring position.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 18, 2015
in Race Driver / GRID Game Series
Game Series
Race Driver / GRID Series
The cult series of video games dedicated to the theme of car racing. It was created and is still being developed by the British company Codemasters Software. To date, eleven major installments of the series have been released, which has changed its title and formula a couple of times during its long history. Initially, it became famous for its high level of realism (unattainable, for example, for the competitive Gran Turismo), later its hallmark became a huge variety of available routes, vehicles and motorsport disciplines (from all forms of traditional rivalry on asphalt, through drifting, to rallying), as well as an advanced destruction model. It currently stands out from the competition with its aggressive artificial intelligence and exciting, unpredictable races.
12 video games
Pro Race Driver Summary
PC / Windows March 28, 2003
PlayStation 2 August 23, 2002
Xbox March 28, 2003
Developer: Codemasters
Publisher: Codemasters
Pro Race Driver System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium III 600MHz, 128MB RAM, 16 MB graphic card, 300 MB HDD
PlayStation 2
Uses: memory card