Postman Pat

Postman Pat


Release Date: February 7, 2007

Action, singleplayer

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Postman Pat is an action adventure game, created primarily for the youngest users. Its prototype is a British animated series, whose beginning dates back to the eighties of the twentieth century. Both the film and the game deal with the title, always smiling postman.

Welcome to Greendale! In this rural village lives the happy and friendly Postman Pat. He is not only the town mailman but a good friend to all the people of Greendale. Everyday he sets off in his little red van with his loyal but sometimes mischievous companion, Jess the cat, to deliver the mail to the townsfolk. Postman Pat always has a kind word and a joke for everyone, and he is ready to lend a helping hand whenever he meets people who are in trouble.

Join Pat and his cat Jess on his route around Greendale delivering the mail and helping the townsfolk. You must help Pat complete various tasks including sorting packages, finding lost mail, balancing parcels and building a model train track.

The Postman Pat PC game is filled with adventure, humour and music. The game exercises the player's memory and recall skills, logic, problem solving and hand-to-eye coordination - all wrapped up in learning the fun of helping others!

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

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