Poldek Driver

Poldek Driver


Release Date: November 17, 2003

Racing, cars, Polish, singleplayer

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Poldek Driver is a racing game prepared by the development team of Play-publishing company, allowing you to feel the emotions associated with driving the legend of Polish motoring - the Polonaise. The gameplay is kept in a strictly arcade style, and players can go on 10 different routes, including the village, town, parking and race track.

Created with a big wink of an eye Polish racer. It is an unofficial continuation and development of the ideas of the famous Racer's Little One. This time the player has the opportunity to test another creation of Polish motorization - produced by FSO Polonez (in the oldest body version).

As in the case of the aforementioned Little Racer, the player can sit behind the wheel of several vehicles that are not very different from each other. All of them are quite loose variations on the theme of the title Poldek. The player can sit at the controls of Mega Speeder (it stands out for its quite squatted spoilers), Shadov, Rally, Super Rally, Speeder, Low Rider (the name says it all), Offrider (one of the most interesting models - sports pick-up), Black Tuning, City and Classica (the most similar in appearance to the model well known from Polish streets). Available vehicles vary in performance and behaviour on the route. It starts, of course, with the slowest. As the player progresses, he gets into his hands more and more powerful, but also more difficult to master the machine. The driving model is greatly simplified. There is no simulation - it's arcade in its purest form. A model of damage appeared in the game. Successive crashes and collisions are reflected on the bodywork of cars, leaving more and more visible traces. Accidents worsen the performance of the controlled vehicle and it is not possible to completely eliminate it from further driving.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Poldek Driver Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Developer: Play-publishing

Publisher: Play-publishing

Age restrictions: none

Poldek Driver System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: CPU 600MHz Intel/AMD, 128MB RAM, 32MB graphic card (DirectX8.1), 700MB HDD