Pet Alien is an action game with adventure elements, based on a well-known American animated series (Polish title: Ufolagi). The story is relatively simple and unsophisticated - the main task of funny newcomers from another planet is to pull out of the heat their earthly friend Tommy.
Videos and Screens
[1:00] Pet Alien #1
Pet Alien Description
Developed by video game developer SHIN'EN all of the characters and levels will be built and animated in full 3D. Additionally, SHIN'EN will take advantage of their proprietary third-generation 3D Nintendo DS™ engine to include one-of-a-kind special effects and an eye-candy particle system.The game's design will emphasize the TV series style and complement it with robot enemies inspired by 1960s-era science fiction entertainment and vintage robot toys.
Set completely within an enormous robotic spaceship, players will use the unique abilities of all five Pet Aliens to fight and puzzle through 50 levels and work together to rescue Tommy within non-violent gameplay. Taking full advantage of the 3D capabilities of the Nintendo DS™
system, Pet Alien features a tilted top-down view and will include five stylus-driven mini-games, an adventure mode and a bonus mode that contains an unlockable jukebox and photo gallery.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Pet Alien Summary
Nintendo DS
Developer: Shin'en Multimedia
Publisher: The Game Factory