End of Life: January 18, 2023
Action, isometric view, online, indie games, shooters, multiplayer, internet
Online action game created by Splash Damage (Gear Tactics) studio. We take part in clashes on colorful maps, using the possibility to curve the bullet track.
Videos and Screens
[1:29] Outcasters launch trailer
Outcasters Description
Outcasters is an online action game created for Google Stadia. The game was created in the British studio Splash Damage and is quite unusual in the company's catalogue. Previously, the developer provided such games as Gears Tactics and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.
The gameplay in Outcasters comes down to fighting with other players on 3D maps. We observe the action from above, and in the fight we use various skills and power-ups. Over time, we unlock new abilities and cosmetic elements for characters.
The game is distinguished by an unusual shooting method. Energy projectiles can twist or bounce back from the environment. Thus, the game rewards not only precision, but also creative use of the board and available skills.
Game modes
The Splash Damage studio wanted to create another game allowing for professional competition. That's why Outcasters is entirely focused on multiplayer mode. Up to eight players can play together at the same time via the Internet. We have different game modes to choose from. For example, Last Caster Standing is a "everyone on everyone" battle where the winner is the last remaining player on the battlefield. In Gold Rush the players are divided into teams and their task is to collect the gold coins scattered around the board at a given time.
Technical aspects
Splash Damage decided on a simple, three-dimensional graphics design typical for this type of indie multiplayer games. However, the developers have not forgotten about overclocking the appearance of the game with graphic effects, as well as adding rich options for personalising the appearance of the hero.
Outcasters Summary
PC / Windows December 3, 2020 January 18, 2023 (EOL)
Developer: Splash Damage
Publisher: Stadia Games and Entertainment