


Release Date: June 21, 2011

Adventure, browser, action adventure, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet

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Browser action game. Before we start playing, we create our own dinosaur. Then we set off on an adventure that resembles classic two-dimensional platformers, additionally enriched with a system of commissioned side tasks. With time our hero gains experience and learns new skills.

Neosaurs: The Legend of Sauria is a browser-based MMORPG. Combining state-of-the-art game technology with the classic and extremely popular side-scrolling, beat-em-up format, Neosaurs features an entirely new artistic style, with striking, painted backgrounds, and a compelling cast of characters influenced by both Eastern and Western sensibilities.

Like other MMOs, you can play together with your friends and become the hero of your own adventure. Unlike other MMORPGs, Neosaurs has an involved storyline and definite objectives, which encourage the user to get involved and explore the game more deeply. Neosaurs is designed to fit multiple demographics of gamers- social, adventurer, fighter, role-playing, character-customizing, and mini-gaming.

Neosaurs is clientless, and will be launched on Facebook and other web-based platforms.

Last updated on August 14, 2015

Neosaurus Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Age restrictions: none