

Nascence: Anna's Songs


Release Date: cancelled

Adventure, FPP, horror, indie games, singleplayer

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Nascence: Anna's Songs is a first-person adventure horror game. It is a continuation of Anna game from 2012 - we try to solve the mystery of a cult controlling a certain town. The title was developed by DreamPainters and Treehouse Studios.

Nascence: Anna's Songs is a horror adventure game in which we play the role of a London photographer and try to solve the mystery of a dangerous cult. The production is a sequel to the horror game Anna, released in 2012. The game was developed and released by the authors of the first part - DreamPainters studio. Treehouse Studios also participated in the works.


In Anna's Songs, you play as Thomas, a photographer from London who is also a member of a secret organization. He comes to town Reluné with the intention of speaking out against the cult that has ruled it for centuries. To do this, he must find the ashes of a woman long ago accused of being a witch and burned at the stake - that is Anna. Her death was the direct cause of the creation of a mysterious religion, which had a destructive impact on the area.

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Videos and Screens

[1:22] Nascence trailer #1

Nascence Summary

Game Series: Anna's Songs


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

PlayStation 5

PlayStation 5

Xbox Series X/S

Xbox Series X/S

Developer: Dreampainters / Treehouse (PC) / Treehouse (PS5) / Treehouse (XSX)

Publisher: Dreampainters

Age restrictions: 18+

Nascence System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Minimum: Intel Dual Core, 4 GB RAM, graphic card 1 GB GeForce GTX 750 or better, 20 GB HDD, Windows 8 64-bit

Recommended: Intel Quad Core, 6 GB RAM, graphic card 2 GB GeForce GTX 1050 or better, 20 GB HDD, Windows 10 64-bit