Production inspired by classic Tamagotchi, in which players take care of the title cat. Their task is to take care of his needs and provide him with entertainment, both in the form of simple mini-games and in the form of travel around the world.
Videos and Screens
My Talking Tom Description
My Talking Tom was developed by Outfit7. The game refers to the classic Tamagotchi toys, which peaked in popularity in the nineties of the twentieth century. The title appeared on mobile devices with AND, iOS and WP, where it is distributed in a free-to-play model.
In My Talking Tom players take care of the eponymous kitten. Their responsibility is to take care of its basic needs and to entertain it using a set of uncomplicated mini-games. Tom must not only eat and drink, but also use the toilet, and after a day full of attractions - go to bed to rest. Additonally, as the title suggests, the cat can repeat the words spoken by us.
As we progress, we earn money and plane tickets. The first ones can be used to buy new clothes or accessories for the cat and elements of decoration for its virtual home. Tickets, on the other hand, enable us to visit other cats - this way we can not only fill the album with photos from Tom's expeditions, but also unlock new clothing elements.
How well we are doing as caregivers is evidenced not only by the emotions shown by our "client" (Tom can be sad, sleepy, bored or even hungry), but also by the pace of its growth, as depicted by the nine stages of development.
Technical aspects
The graphics of My Talking Tom employ eye-catching cartoonish visuals. The game is designed for players of all ages.
Last updated on April 15, 2020
My Talking Tom Summary
Android OS November 12, 2013
Apple iOS November 13, 2013
Windows Phone November 13, 2013