Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD


Release Date: December 1, 2010

RPG, TPP, fantasy, hack'and'slash, RPG elements, remaster/remake, PlayStation exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN

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Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is an action game with cRPG elements produced by Capcom. As in the previous versions of the series, the player takes on the role of a monster hunter, hunting various fantastic beasts. The game offers several modes of fun, including the option to play in cooperation.

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd combines elements of a cRPG game with features known from action games. This is another part of the series created by Capcom for several years, which has gained particular popularity in Japan.

The main task is to explore the game world in order to find and defeat more and more monsters that offer an increasing challenge. This time, the starting point for the next expeditions is Yukumo. This place was built on the model of traditional Japanese mountain villages.

The characteristic feature of the series is the variety of available opponents. Apart from the different appearance, each of them requires different preparations before the hunt. With time, the difficulty level increases and without the right tactics, there is no way to go further in the game. The combat system has been slightly reshaped in relation to the previous parts, but fans of the series won't have any problems.

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Last updated on May 28, 2019

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in Monster Hunter Game Series

Game Series

Monster Hunter Series

A popular, especially among Japanese gamers, action-RPG series set in fantasy realities. The brand was created by the Capcom corporation, which also oversees its development.

24 video games

Monster Hunter Game Series

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Summary


PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3 August 25, 2011

PlayStation Portable

PlayStation Portable December 1, 2010

Developer: Capcom

Publisher: Capcom

Age restrictions: none