Mini-Putt: The Ultimate Challenge!
Release Date: June 6, 1987
Mini-Putt: The Ultimate Challenge! is a sports game, trying to faithfully recreate the reality of entertainment known as miniature golf. The main difference from the traditional one is the smaller area needed for its execution. Instead of huge fields of a few hectares, we have here simple constructions, usually surrounded by a gang and a mass of disturbing pillars, walls and other, sometimes very sophisticated accessories.
Mini-Putt: The Ultimate Challenge! is a sports game, trying to faithfully recreate the reality of entertainment known as miniature golf. The main difference from the traditional one is the smaller area needed for its execution. Instead of huge fields of a few hectares, we have here simple constructions, usually surrounded by a gang and a mass of disturbing pillars, walls and other, sometimes very sophisticated accessories. The gameplay itself is very similar. The point is to place the ball in the hole, using as few strokes as possible.
Up to four people can take part in the game - the next strokes are made in turns. The program keeps internal statistics, which will show the best player after a series of struggles. There are four different sets of boards with different difficulty levels, each consisting of nine holes. In addition to the traditional tournament, the player can train on the selected venue and thus develop the best strategy for the game.
Control is very simple. First, use the cursor to determine the direction in which you want the ball to go, then determine the impact force and the degree of overclocking of the ball. Each board may contain a large number of "disturbances". The most common are the arrows that change the flight path of the ball. Others include cramped tunnels to get into to the next part of the field, or really fancy objects such as elephants blocking a gap in the wall with their trunk, or a beam moving in pendulum motion to cover a hole.
Unfortunately, audio-visual setting does not go hand in hand with enormous playability. The graphics are very simple and not very successful (maximum 16 colours). Sounds are limited to Speaker's PC screams and it is better to turn them off right away.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
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Mini-Putt: The Ultimate Challenge! Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Artech Digital Entertainments
Publisher: Accolade
Age restrictions: none
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