


Release Date: March 16, 2016

Party, free-to-play, social networking, singleplayer

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A social application for mobile devices created by Nintendo. It allows us to share interesting curiosities concerning ourselves with others and conversely - one can learn something interesting about other users. Thanks to extensive personalization possibilities, Miitomo allows us to create unique three-dimensional avatars - the players are capable not only of modifying their avatars' appearances, but also their voices and personalities.

Miitomo for AND and iOS is one of Nintendo's offerings for mobile devices. This is a social application, which allows you to learn about our friends who also use it. The production is offered for free, but there is a microtransactions system, where we can e.g. purchase virtual coins, necessary to have fun in one of the mini-games.


The adventure with Miitomo begins with the creation of Mii, or our avatar. You can do it yourself, using the simple editor, or use a photo taken with the camera of the device. Then we choose the personality and set the tone of the voice. After completing these steps, we proceed to the interview. Our avatar asks us various questions and uses the answers in conversations with other people. In this way, we get to know various interesting facts about our friends, and they get to know new things about us.

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Last updated on January 28, 2020

Videos and Screens

[2:29] Miitomo launch trailer

Miitomo Summary


Android OS

Android OS March 16, 2016

Apple iOS

Apple iOS March 17, 2016

Developer: Nintendo

Publisher: Nintendo

Age restrictions: none

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