The next installment of one of the most popular (especially in Japan) series of platformers. Playing the role of Mega Man, we move in a two-dimensional environment, eliminating various types of enemies.
Videos and Screens
[1:06] Mega Man Universe gameplay
[1:37] Mega Man Universe trailer #1
Mega Man Universe Description
Mega Man Universe, the latest entry in Capcom’s long-running Mega Man™ series, will be a revolutionary take on the seminal classic, setting course for a new chapter in classic gaming.
Mega Man games are beloved by fans all over the world. Since their debut in 1987, Mega Man has remained a videogame icon, having starred in more than 140 titles over the last 22 years. The connection he’s made with pop culture at large has extended beyond games and into cartoons, toys, clothing, comics, kid’s meals, and more. Part of that popularity is driven by the series’ ability to evolve over time yet consistently retain the addictive gameplay experience that sets Mega Man games apart.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Mega Man Universe Summary
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
Mega Man Universe System Requirements
Xbox 360
Uses: Xbox Live
PlayStation 3
Uses: PlayStation Network