Medal of Honor: Vanguard
Release Date: March 23, 2007
This console-only FPS shooter set in the realities of World War II is a sequel to the best-selling Medal of Honor series. In this part of the game, the developers from Electronic Arts focused on the fate of Corporal Frank Keegan from the American 82nd Airborne Division.
Medal of Honor: Vanguard is another game of the popular series of FPS devoted to soldiers fighting on the dangerous fronts of World War II. This time, the developers of Electronic Arts decided to show us the fate of the brave Corporal Frank Keegan – a member of the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division, fighting together with his comrades in Europe in the first half of the forties of the twentieth century. We land in Sicily first, and later we move to the Rhine and there take part in the famous operation code-named Varsity in March 1945.
We have an arsenal of authentic World War II weaponry at our disposal, and all battle scenarios are consistent with the historical realities. It is only up to us whether we decide to storm the fortified enemy positions, or take our enemies out from a carefully chosen sniper position The detailed 3D graphics makes the most out of PlayStation 2 capabilities, and the control system is perfectly adapted to the standard DualShock 2 controller.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Videos and Screens
[2:00] Medal of Honor: Vanguard #3
[1:22] Medal of Honor: Vanguard #2
in Medal of Honor Game Series
Game Series
Medal of Honor Series
A popular series of first-person shooters (FPS), allowing players to take on the roles of soldiers. The series, developed by Electronic Arts, is considered the protoplast of the competitive Call of Duty.
15 video games
Medal of Honor: Vanguard Summary
Nintendo Wii
PlayStation 2
Developer: Electronic Arts Inc.
Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc.

Medal of Honor: Vanguard System Requirements
PlayStation 2
Supports: memory card 8 MB