Medal of Honor: Infiltrator
Release Date: November 17, 2003
The very popular Medal of Honor series returns to GBA, this time making perfect use of the hardware capabilities of the Nintendo consoles.
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Medal of Honor: Infiltrator Description
Very popular Medal of Honor series returns to the GBA in its second edition, this time fully utilizing the hardware capabilities of the GBA.
Infiltrator is a shooter with a view from above, in which we will push ahead, destroying hordes of enemies on our way. The whole is happening during World War II, about which the digitized, authentic videos from the fronts of the war showing the historical background between levels remind us. Levels are generally divided into two types – those in which we are wandering from bottom to top, killing enemies on our way, and those in which we kill enemies from the first-person view. During the fights, we will use different ways of warfare and different types of weapons, matching our actions to the formation of the enemy and also use the terrain. Tasks will vary – sometimes we will have to find some important persona, sometimes steal some papers, or simply deal with everyone in a given level. Stages are interestingly designed, forcing some tactical actions, and also graphically satisfying. During most missions, we will travel on foot, but there are also those in which we can, for example, drive a tank. The arsenal of weapons is rather standard: from machine guns, through grenades, to bazookas. The biggest con of Infiltrator appears to be its controls. The missions from the top often do not allow us to go where we want (we can shoot only in four directions).
Last updated on August 14, 2015
in Medal of Honor Game Series
Game Series
Medal of Honor Series
A popular series of first-person shooters (FPS), allowing players to take on the roles of soldiers. The series, developed by Electronic Arts, is considered the protoplast of the competitive Call of Duty.
15 video games
Medal of Honor: Infiltrator Summary
Game Boy Advance
Developer: Netherock
Publisher: Electronic Arts Inc.