Medal of Honor: Heroes 2

Medal of Honor: Heroes 2


Release Date: February 8, 2007

Action, FPP, World War II, shooters, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN

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The next installment of the popular shooting, in which the action is observed from the perspective of the first person. We play the role of an American intelligence officer, performing missions in the back of the enemy.

Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 is the official continuation of the game which was officially released in late 2006. Like in the predecessor, we are dealing with quite classical shooter with the emphasis put on impressive gameplay rather than realism of the battlefield. We observe the events from the first-person perspective. It is also worth noting that many of the missions we do not play alone, although we do not have any control over our allies. The game was developed by Electronic Arts, just like every other installment in the series. In contrast to the first MoH: Heroes, which was released exclusively for the PSP, it is also available for Wii.

The action starts on 6th June 1944. During the game, we assume the role of an U.S. Army intelligence officer – John Berg. Our task is to perform various missions in Normandy behind the enemy lines. Gameplay, as you can easily guess, is limited mainly to the mass extermination of opponents, not constantly remaining in the hiding. The single player campaign consists of a dozen of missions that need to be beaten in the order strictly determined by the developers. We also have to perform the tasks given to us by the HQ, usually requiring the acquisition and maintaining a sector of the map or eliminating enemy structures.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

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[1:38] Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 #1



in Medal of Honor Game Series

Game Series

Medal of Honor Series

A popular series of first-person shooters (FPS), allowing players to take on the roles of soldiers. The series, developed by Electronic Arts, is considered the protoplast of the competitive Call of Duty.

15 video games

Medal of Honor Game Series

Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 Summary


Nintendo Wii

Nintendo Wii February 8, 2007

PlayStation Portable

PlayStation Portable November 13, 2007