Luigi's Mansion 2 HD
Release Date: June 27, 2024
Arcade, puzzle elements, for 2 players, Mario, remaster/remake, 2.5D, co-op, action adventure, splitscreen, Nintendo exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet
The remastered version of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Luigi's Mansion 2 HD stars Luigi, traversing haunted mansions in search of pieces of the shattered Dark Moon.
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD is a remastered version of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. It was published by Nintendo and developed by Next Level Games.
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD stars Luigi, Mario's brother, working alongside Professor E. Gadd, a paranormal researcher. Once the Dark Moon above Evershade Valley breaks apart, the once-friendly ghosts turn aggressive, preventing the Professor from continuing his work. Luigi must deal with the hostile spirits, gather the Dark Moon's fragments and restore it to the sky.
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD makes use of cinematic camera angles. The game is set in numerous haunted mansions. Luigi must traverse dark corridors and rooms, looking for the Moon's fragments, solving puzzles and dispatching ghosts.
Wielding the Poltergust 5000 vaccum, he can capture hostile spirits. He must first stun them with his flashlight though, before they become vulnerable. Alongside regular ghosts, which aren't too difficult to take down, we'll also face stronger spirits with unique weaknesses and strategies to capture, often requiring use of the environment. There are also powerful, dangerous bosses to face off against.
Each stage is also full of various secrets to find.
Game modes
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD features a singleplayer campaign and the ScareScraper, a co-op mode for up to four players.
Technical aspects
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD makes use of a colorful, cartoonish artstyle. The remastered version supports a higher resolution.
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Videos and Screens
[0:30] Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Luigi's Mansion 2 HD - Mad Science Trailer
[0:30] Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Luigi's Mansion 2 HD - Fiendish Ghosts Trailer
Gamepressure Review
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD
Luigi is back for another ghost-sucking adventure whether he wants to or not in this sequel that first came out on 3DS back in 2013. Is this remaster worth playing or replaying after all these years?