Innovative two-dimensional platformer. We play the role of a boy named Toku, living in a fantastic world harassed by an evil spirit - Balasar. One day our protagonist meets Enril, the Spirit of the Wind, enchanted in crystal, who lends him his ability to control this element.
Videos and Screens
[1:13] LostWinds #2
[1:09] LostWinds #1
LostWinds Description
LostWinds™ is an enchanting adventure bursting with new gameplay ideas that embrace the innovative controller of the Wii™ - it puts “the power of the wind in the palm of your hand”.
You wield the awesome powers of Enril the wind spirit - from raging tornados to the gentlest breeze – to guide and protect Toku, a young boy who is the only one who can help you release the curse placed upon the world of Mistralis by evil Balasar. Mistralis is a stunningly presented, magical land full of wonder and intrigue that bursts to life with your every action and exploration. History of Mistralis.
The game’s novel, playful control mechanism lets you use Enril’s elemental powers to help Toku in your quest to overcome Balasar – powering his jumps and glides through Mistralis’ different regions, buffeting and smashing enemies, and solving puzzles.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
LostWinds Summary
PC / Windows March 24, 2016
Nintendo Wii May 12, 2008
Developer: Frontier Developments
Publisher: Frontier Developments
LostWinds System Requirements
PC / Windows
Minimum: Dual Core 2.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, graphic card Intel HD Graphics or better, 512 MB HDD, Windows 7