Lizzie McGuire 2: Lizzie Diaries

Lizzie McGuire 2: Lizzie Diaries


Release Date: cancelled

Arcade, Nintendo exclusive, singleplayer

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Lizzie McGuire 2: Lizzie Diaries is an action-packed platformer designed for the youngest users of the GBA console. The first model for it was a popular American youth series, aired on Disney Channel. This item is one of many games that deal with the adventures of the title Liza.

What's a day in the life of Lizzie McGuire like? You get to find out in Disney's Lizzie McGuire 2: Lizzie Diaries.


* Three save slots

* Unlock parts of Lizzie's diary

Lizzie's about to have a very bad day. But with your help, she'll make it through just fine and still have plenty to write about in her diary.

In this side-scrolling platformer, you play as Animated Lizzie. Each level is called a Day. You complete the Day when you complete the four areas on each level. Once you've made it through the Day, Lizzie records her adventures in her diary.

Like a cartoon character, Animated Lizzie doesn't run out of lives. If she falls in a hole or gets all the energy knocked out of her during a food fight, she starts fresh from where took a dive. She gets back up and at it. That's determination!

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Lizzie McGuire 2: Lizzie Diaries Summary